
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fire Station Fun This Week In Speech Therapy!

Hi! WE ARE ON FIRE this week because we are doing a fire station themed unit before we inundate ourselves with Christmas themed speech and language materials for the next two weeks!  Here's a quick summary of some of the activities that we are doing.  Please feel free to use or adapt these therapy activities for your own therapy, classrooms, or home environments! 

1) Find the emergency vehicle puzzle pieces in the beans.  This activity gave us the opportunity to practice past tense verbs, and the verbal repetition of multi-syllable words.  For example: "I found the ambulance". "I put the helicopter in the puzzle". Buy a bunch of kidney beans.  They are great for hiding stuff in!  Added bonus: they feel smooth and relaxing to put your hands in and out of.  You can buy your own big bag of kidney beans at your local grocery store and a plastic bin at the hardware store or local Target/WalMart. That will make you ready for your own sensory table/bucket that can be used for hiding just about anything in for a kid to find.  Kids love it! 

2) We completed a tremendous amount of literacy and language worksheets found in our own therapy drawers and on the Internet.  These two worksheets shown below are from Other sites that provided us with great freebies are: and 

 3) We worked a lot on pronouns and prepositions! This is a picture of the female and male firefighters that moved all around the fire station themed page after we gave instructions to the child.  For example: "Put her next to the hydrant", "Put him under the fire truck".  This activity is found in our packet called, "Early Prepositions and Pronouns Found at the Firehouse". Click on the link or the picture of the product below to be taken to Teachers pay Teachers if you want to purchase it for yourself. 

 4) More preposition work and another example of an activity that is found in our fire station packet!  Preposition Puppy! For example, "Put the bone in his mouth".  "Put the bone beside the puppy". 

5) This is our own awesome fire station.  It is made by Kid Kraft and it is a very good quality interactive toy. The kids loved playing with it.  We worked on a lot of speech, language, concepts, and vocabulary as we moved the firemen, policemen, fire dog, furniture and vehicles around the three story firehouse.  For example: "Put the fireman in the ladder truck". "Tell me what types of furniture do you see in the living room". "Can you find three objects that start with the letter "F"?  

 6) This was a fun way to work on our fire words.  That is a nice way to say that we were working on our words that start with a F! We put water in a little squirt gun that we bought from Oriental Trading Company and squirted water onto the "fires" as we repeated our words.  The words were glued on the firehouse background paper from one of our sticker scenes and then laminated to keep the water from getting it wet.  This activity was a hit! The kiddos took home their own little fire extinguisher squirt guns, firehouse sticker scenes and firefighter hats.  All of these items were bought at Oriental Trading Company.  Not expensive at all! 

7) At the door we completed patterns and named colors of different fire hydrants. 

We hope that you too can have a fun fire themed therapy week one time.  It's a lot of fun!!
Best wishes, 
Manda & Shanda

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