The big sale is coming to Teachers pay Teachers on February 27th, 2014 and it will last until the end of the day on February 28th. Most TpT sellers will put their documents on sale for 10 to 20% off and Teachers pay Teachers will take an additional 8% off the total purchase price. That means that a tremendous savings on purchased documents will be possible - up to 28% off the cover price! These big sales are super popular and they happen to be the time that most people empty out their TpT wishlist baskets and stock up on beneficial documents to be used all year long! You may be wondering what documents would be the best ones to have in your own wishlist baskets this Spring? I know I was wondering this very thing, and that is why I asked my fellow speech-language pathologist TpT authors and bloggers to provide me with a list of some of the most wish-listed items from their own stores. This is so I could compile a nice cheat sheet for my own shopping and also provide what I think is a helpful list meant for you too!
Please see the list on the blog for a description of each item and also download the PDF document HERE for a closer look at the cover pages of each mentioned document. Hyperlinks are provided on the post descriptions and on the pictures of each cover page on the PDF titled:
(that will be posted to TPT).
Again, I hope you enjoy the following list of some of the most wished for items from the Teachers pay Teachers stores authored by talented Speech-Language Pathologists for the up-incoming springtime of 2014. Get ready to fill your carts with a pot of gold of documents as you hop into wonderful savings on useful documents for a variety of age groups for your classroom or therapy rooms this springtime!
Manda, SLP
Twin Sisters Speech
&Language Therapy LLC
1) Head to Autumn-Bryant Speech Language Investigator's store to pick up this document for the junior to high school level student. It provides some wonderful speech homework sheets for the summer!

This handy packet includes everything you need for students to practice their language skills and word-final articulation over the summer:- 12 weekly language activities (four each for June, July, & August)- 30 probes for final /s/ words- 30 probes for final /z/ words- Articulation score card to show students/parents what level to practice (e.g., word level, phrase, level, sentence level, etc.) - "Rhyme-Master" Bookmarks to help kids find words that rhyme with their target word (giving them a plethora of additional words that end with their target speech sounds). This is great for working on final /r/ variants! Just write down a sample word (e.g., "air") and use the Rhyme-master slide rule to find many more words that end with the same sound (e.g., bear, care, dare, fair, hair, and so on!)View demo on You tube - Prefix-Finder, Root-Finder, Suffix-Finder Bookmarks to help students find words that have the same root but different prefixes/suffixes or the same prefixes or suffixes but different root words.
2) Hop over to Gold Country SLP's TpT store in order to pick up this wonderful book companion document that is jam packed with grammar and language tasks to go with the book, Hopper Hunts for Spring.

This packet is FULL of language activities designed to target MANY specific goals! Included in this packet:
Sequencing cards Level 1 Pictures OnlySequencing Cards Level 2 Pictures & TextSequencing Cards Level 3 Text Only Sequencing Temporal Word CardsStory Re-Tell PropsWh-Question Comprehension Cards Eliciting Wh-Questions Prompt CardsCreatures that Hibernate – Picture CardsCreatures that Hibernate – Label CardsSpringtime Flowers – Picture CardsSpringtime Flowers – Label Cards Springtime Flowers – Description Cards Grammar Check Cards (Receptive ) – Present Progressive/Copular Forms Grammar Check Cards (Receptive) – Third person, present tense Present Progressive Verb Cards Pronoun Cards Grammar Check Sentence Frames (Expressive) – Present Progressive Tense (singular) Grammar Check Sentence Frames (Expressive) – Past Progressive Tense (singular)Grammar Check Sentence Frames (Expressive) – Present Progressive Tense (singular) Grammar Check Sentence Frames (Expressive) – Past Progressive Tense (singular)Regular Past Tense Verbs Irregular Past Tense Verbs Sort ‘n’ Write Write ‘n’ Say Sentences Synonym Cards Antonym Cards“Spring” Idioms and Figurative Language Cards Where is Hopper? (Preposition Cards)Barrier Game Suggestions, Props and Mat Generic Game Board
3) Another wonderful product from Gold Country SLP called: Spring Complex Sentence Builder
Included in this packet:
Spring Noun Cards – 48 cards Spring Verb Cards – 32 cards Spring Adjective Cards – 32 cards
Spring Connector Word Cards – 24 cards Spring Sentence Builder Task Cards – 24 cards
Generic Spring Game BoardSuggested use: Review all vocabulary with the student(s). Separate the cards into piles. You can design the task to fit the needs of your student. You can have them draw a certain number of cards from each pile to make up a sentence. Students can draw a Spring Sentence Builder Task Card and select vocabulary cards accordingly to create a sentence. The Game Board can be used to add pacing and motivation.
4) A couple of brand new documents from Twin Sisters Speech & Language Therapy LLC
This is a SUPER SIZED packet (120 pages) full of everything you will need for treating your pre-k to grade school students. It is packed full of a ton of super fun, engaging, and useful speech, language and literacy activities, games, and worksheets that all have a colorful and fun St. Patrick's Day theme to them.
In addition, are the 25 brand new black and white worksheets that were just added in the latest revision. These wonderful worksheets will save you on printer ink and will require NO PREP!! Yay!
We have included more than 100 quick to print and practice articulation sheets in this St. Patrick’s Day- Themed document and we decided to target some of the most commonly worked on sounds with grade school speech kiddos. The sounds included in this very comprehensive packet are: l, r, s, sh, th, and v. We start at the consonant level and then add the cv, word, phrase and sentence levels! Also, you will find that the sounds are targeted at the initial, medial and final positions of words.
6) Check out the store that Christy Jones has because you won't want to miss her new documents for working on articulation and phonological awareness.

Phonological awareness skills are necessary skills to work on with children learning to read. These workouts are appropriate for K to 1st Grade. These workouts go along with the Reading Standards: Foundational Skills. These can be used individually for warm ups at the beginning of a lesson or with any open ended game. Laminate, cut and put a hole in the top left corner of each page. Use a binder ring to hold them together. Hang the booklet on a hook for easy access. I am also going to use these when I push into the kindergarten class. Cards are color coded and numbered developmentally. Beginning to Middle of K = Blue Middle to End of K = Pink 1st = Green
Great Game! This is a Tic-Tac-Toe game.It uses riddles. It works on articulation sounds in all positions of words. Sounds included are th, ch, sh, s, r, l, k, and s blends. It is appropriate for Kindergarten to 2nd Grade. An answer key is included. The cards can also be used with any open ended game. FUN FOR ALL!
8) Visit SLPrunner's store to pick up a wonderful figurative language unit and an EET companion for working on describing skills. They both look terrific!
A jam-packed product with eight activities of higher level language.
This packet is made with the tween-teen student in mind. It's loaded with fun activities working on the frontal lobe of the brain.
Also included are data point pages from baseline to mastery of the following skills: multiple meaning words, inferencing, similes, metaphors, idioms, emotions/perspective taking.
Dazzling Daisies provides a fun way for students to improve expression by labeling attributes for common objects. Three activities are included. Contents: 20 printable daisies, 20 color daisies for dry-erase, create-your-own, 2 cueing daisies, 10 picture cards, bulletin board templates, and a writing page. This product may stand alone or is a great companion when used with the incredible Expanding Expression Tool.
10) Need some terrific new social skills documents? How about stopping by Bright Ideas SLP's store to pick up these two terrific products!
This product contains the following: 40 text messages cards, 2 sorting mats: Rude! or Friendly!
5 Homework Sheets. Our tone of voice sometimes says more than our words. It is important to listen to the tone of voice AND the words in order to understand what someone is saying. The tone of voice changes the message and what the person is trying to say.

This packet includes:
Inferences: Print out the blue and green grocery lists. Your mom left you a grocery list, but you don’t know what it is for! Use your predictions skills to infer about what the list may be used for.
Category Sort: Print out the food cards and organization Sort the grocery items into their respective grocery carts. Categories include: Fruits, Breakfast Foods, Junk Foods, Vegetables, Dairy, and Condiments. Listening Lists: Print out the grocery bag and grocery cart mat. Print out multiple copies of the food items. One player/SLP reads the grocery list. The other player listens and puts the items heard into the grocery cart. Pink lists= related items; Orange lists = unrelated items. After the player 1 reads the list, player 2 adds the items into their grocery bag or grocery cart. The player with the most correct items in their bag/ cart, wins! Grocery Store Pragmatics: 22 social scenarios related to a trip to the grocery store. Answer how you should respond in certain situations.
12) Straight Up Speech is always making terrific documents. Come and take a look at these two great ones!
50 Token Boards – 18 circles each (4 winter, 4 Valentine, 4 St. Patrick’s Day, 4 Easter, 4 Summer, 4 Memorial Day/Fourth of July/Labor Day, 4 Back-to-School, 4 Fall, 6 Halloween, 6
Thanksgiving, 6 Christmas) **Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to be added Fall 2014. Designed for use with magnetic chips/wands or with a variety of tokens (coins, candy, bingo chips, etc.)
This 13-page download contains the following: 48 Compare/Contrast Pairs. List of all pairs included in activity questions to consider when comparing/contrasting. Open-ended game board
For older students, ask them read pairs of words and then compare/contrast each pair.
For younger students, ask them what is the same about the two words and what is different.
14) Look at this terrific document from Wide World of Speech Therapy!
This yummy set targets basic auditory comprehension & memory of 1- to 4-step directions. One- and 2-step directions may be simple to mildly complex. Three- and 4-step directions are simple only. More than 140 direction cards in all!
15) Head to Tech n' Talks SLPs for these AWESOME document choices!
With this product your students CAN do so many things! And, you will have 100 different ways to praise them for their great work. This product is great for language development, but is also great for structured sentences for fluency practice or can be used to elicit articulation practice for K.....that's 100 times to use the /k/ sound in the word 'CAN'. This includes 100 printable cards, each targeting a different action word. Students will look at three images on a card and will respond to a target verb request, i.e., "Find something you can pull." They will then choose the item that coordinates with that action and produce a statement, i.e., "I can pull a wagon."
Speech Therapy Articulation Practice Pack for Apraxia includes
1. Printable set of 25 VC practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
2. Printable set of 25 CV practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
3. Printable set of 100 CVC practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
4. Printable set of 50 CVCV practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
5. Printable set of 50 CVCVC practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
6. Printable set of 25 three syllable practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
7. Printable set of 25 four syllable practice cards with illustrations, words, phrases, and sentences
8. 1 tic tac toe board for each (vc, cv, cvc, cvcv, cvcvc, 3 syllable, 4 syllable)
9. 1 open ended game board (print or use in iBooks)
10. iBooks for vc and cv, cvc, cvcv, cvcvc, multisyllabic (iBooks include the same pictures, words, phrases, and sentences as the practice cards…just in book form)
All of the tic-tac-toe boards and the open-ended game board can be printed or can be saved to iBooks for iPad users, eliminating the need to print. Use your iPad as the game board. Instructions for downloading to iBooks are included in the product instructions.
The packet includes a total of 8 games (game board and tic-tac-toe boards), 300 apraxia practice cards, and the 6 apraxia practice books with a total of 60 practice pages.
17) And everyone is talking about these great finds over at the Schoolhouse Talks store!
Understanding of story grammar elements and the ability to retell stories coherently are essential tools for children of all ages. Use these picture prompt cards for teaching story grammar elements and the skills needed to retell stories effectively. This document includes activities to target grammar and reading. It's terrific!
These Itty-Bitty books provide a fun way for your students to practice their target sounds by creating their own mini book to take home! This activity includes instructions and book templates for students to color and practice S-Blends. Most words have s-blends in the initial position of the word, but some targets are in medial or final positions. Great practice for any student PreK through Elementary age. Included in the Download: pg. 1: Cover Page and Credits pg. 2: Instructions pg. 3: SK book pg. 4: SL book pg. 5: SM book pg. 6: SN book pg. 7: SP book
pg. 8: ST book pg. 9: SW book. This is a great resource for speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents.
19) The fabulous and fun Mia McDaniel has these two great documents ready for your purchase!

Incorporate Easter traditions from around the world into your reading or language lessons (or speech/language therapy sessions!) For nonreaders, this can be used as a great listening comprehension activity! Includes 22 short passages discussing various Easter celebrations with 2-3 corresponding critical thinking questions per passage. Questions require students to use skills ranging from simple recall, comparing, contrasting and making personal connections to deciphering vocabulary in context, drawing conclusions, giving opinions, and justifying responses with evidence. A whole range of critical thinking skills can be applied! Also includes:
- a writing prompt so students can respond to read material in writing
- a VENN diagram so students can compare and contrast traditions
- 2 Easter board games for use with any dice/spinner and gamepieces
- an Easter art activity requiring knowledge of capitalization,
punctuation, sentence formation and grammar rule. Passages can be used with individual students, for partner reading, or for group discussion. The cards with the reading passages can be used to play various games (instructions included). Just print, (laminate if you wish), cut and use!
This comprehensive unit includes 21 pages of activities to use after reading Eric Carle's classic book- extra condensed to use as little paper as possible. Includes: - all the small pictures needed to adapt the book and make communication boards- includes activities teaching and assessing numerous basic concepts- all you need to play barrier games that address basic concepts, following directions, & allow for practicing articulation and fluency skills in connected speech- all the visuals you need to address retelling and sequencing - 66 question cards to accompany the book including yes/no, wh-questions, and more- cute caterpillar to for your little ones to "feed!"
- phonemic awareness pages addressing beginning sounds, ending sounds and syllables- colorful, original game board to use for motivation with the skill cards or articulation or fluency drill. - caterpillar coloring sheet -make your own dice or fruit spinner!
21) Kathy Grover over at Speech All The Time is always busy making fabulous new documents. Here are two to grab for this springtime for sure!
This book companion is designed to teach preschool level students to do simple oral narratives or story retells. It utilizes the six early literacy skills of vocabulary, print motivation, print awareness, narrative skills, letter knowledge, and phonological awareness.
Targeted skills embedded in the activities includes preposition/location words, sequencing, classification/categorization, multiple levels of comprehension tasks, and fine and gross motor components for mulit-modality learning.
The pack is 24 pages long and contains 3 days of lessons, 15 story retell/sequence cards, 6 preposition word cards, an "Animal" mat with 10 picture cards, a "Things that are Red" mat with 8 picture cards, a "Places to Walk" mat with 8 picture cards, 14 vocabulary picture cards of things that are on Rosie's farm, and a template and instructions for making chicken and fox puppets.
This packet is designed for children who have significant difficulty with motor planning for sound and syllable production. It provides students the opportunity for multiple practices within a session. The activities are based on an approach which uses words rather than nonsense syllables to help develop functional vocabulary skills for very young or nonverbal children.
Included in the packet are 13 Cue Cards for the sounds /p/, /b/, /w/, /m/, /n/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /s/, /f/, /sh/, and /l/.
Each sound has associated word picture cards (a total of 99 cards) which target CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV syllable patterns. Consonant sounds in each words contain only the target sound in this activity. A later packet will be available for words and phrases for multiple sound combination strings.
23) The Dabblingspeechie store is full of wonderful documents. How about checking out these two great docs for working on social skills?!
Suggested Use for this packet:-Carryover of social skills by targeting one scenario daily. Lessons are meant to take 5-10 minutes of time.-Quickly target social skills during groups containing students with a variety of goals (i.e., artic, grammar, and pragmatic language). Students working on other goals can participate as peer models. -Remaining time during the session can focus on the other needs/goals within the group.-For General Education and Special Education Teachers to use in their classrooms as daily mini lessons to work on social skills in between instruction time and to promote generalization of social skills across the school day.
Read the social scenario cards and then brainstorm as a group what the different people could be thinking. You can write with dry erase marker Page 2-3: Teacher Thinking visual and scenario cards Page 4-5: Farmer Thinking visual and scenario cards Page 6-7: Ellie thinking visual and scenario cards Pages 8-9: Riley thinking visual and scenario cards Page 10-11: Blank sheet to put your face/picture there. Blank scenario cards to fill in situations you are currently facing in your classrooms.Tone of voice lesson Page 13: Visual/explanation of what ‘tone of voice’ means Page 14: Emotion cards Page 15: Blank set for other emotions
Page 16-18: School-themed sentence phrases to practice saying different tones of voice.
Birthday Gift Giving Perspective skills activity Page 20: Birthday gift giving social story Page 21-24: Brainstorming worksheets to figure out other people’s interests and gifts they would want
Page 25-26: Blank sheets to brainstorm for other people that would be specific to the particular student.Having a Conversation about other people's Interests lesson Page 28: Social story about having a conversation Page 29: Definition and examples of Questions Page 30: Definition and example of comments Page 31: Visual graphic of topics to help with explaining the term Page 32-33: Brainstorming worksheet sPage 34: Visual poster for skills needed to complete a conversation
What’s Missing? Identifying the missing skills from social situationsPage 36: Directions for the activity to figure out what is missing from each social scenarioPage 37-38: Social scenario cards
Page 39: Answer keyWhat’s the impression?
Activity Lesson Guide Listen to the social situations to figure out what kind of impression the person is making on others. You can have them tell you the reasons or clues that make them think that. They can also brainstorm what the person could do to change the impression.
Page 41: Explaining what is an impressionPage 42-43: Social situation stimulus cards
Page 44: Answer keyExpected vs. Unexpected activity
Page 47-50: Social scenario cards Page 51: Visual sorting mat to put scenario cards in the expected vs. unexpected spot.Page 52: Visual expected vs. unexpected cards. These cards are designed for the therapist to take data during the therapy session on a student’s behavior. This also serves as a visual reminder to be expected in the group. Every time the student is being expected, you can put a check, plus, line, etc. in one of the expected behavior slots. Every time the student is being unexpected, you can put a check, plus, line, etc. in one of the unexpected behavior slots. This way you don’t have to stop therapy to correct the student and you are still giving them feedback about their behavior.
25) Here's another document from Autumn Bryant Speech Language Investigator (please see #1 on the list for her other great document).

This document contains 180 vocalic /r/ sentences are placed on a pre-made grid so you can easily keep track of your data (in chunks of 5 or 10 repetitions).
26) Speech Universe has provided these two great documents!
This product was designed as a daily oral language workout for Kindergarten students based on Common Core State Standards. It can be used by a speech-language pathologist or classroom teacher. This is a 10 week program developed to track intervention for possible language delays. Included in this packet:State Standard Checklist. This is a guide to the state standards that are covered in this packet. As you complete a task, you can place a tally in the completed box. Pre/Post Test. This may be completed for each student you are working with. It will give you an idea of how the student is performing on the state standards that are covered in this packet.
Daily Workout Sheets and note sheets.
This is an activity that utilizes QR codes to check student answers. You must have a QR reader on an iPad, iTouch, smartphone, or other tablet/device. You can find many different free versions at the app store.The activities focus on inferences. Students will use inference skills to solve simple problems.All activities have 16 different items. There are two cards for each item. One that contains a choice of three answers, and one that does not have a choice of answers. All answers can be checked using a QR code reader.
27) Visit Speech-A-Saurus for these two super good products!
This activity focuses on social problem solving in four every day locations: home, school, the grocery store, and a restaurant. The activity is geared toward middle school and high school students and is presented in an age appropriate format. There are 12 social problem solving scenario that occur the home, 18 social problem solving scenarios that occur in the grocery store, 12 social problem solving scenarios that occur in school, and 12 social problem solving scenarios that occur at a restaurant. These scenarios can be used to target social problem solving and reasoning. They can also be used to rate problems on a 1-5 scale, discuss expected and unexpected behaviors, discuss how to avoid problems in the future, discuss body language, and relate the scenarios to students' personal experiences. There are several suggestions for use as well as a game board that can be used with the social problem solving scenario cards.
28) Figurative Language - Idioms
Idioms can be confusing to students who do not understand figurative language and many students with speech and language disabilities need direct instruction on this topic. This product targets figurative language-idioms. It contains 36 commonly used idioms and their definitions in a "deck" format.It also contains a pre/post test data collection page to help monitor student progress. The cute graphics and game suggestions help keep students engaged!
29) Visit Jenna Rayburn's Speech Room News store for these two super cute and useful gems!

This 38 page download features Carrotville, a nice little town where bunnies live and play. It features homes, apartments, a grocery store and even a bunny barbershop! The activities center around the Carrotville board game. Two ways to play are included. The first option features specific skill development, while the second features carryover of language skills by targeting mixed stimulus cards. Game point and score cards are included. Each type of building corresponds to a language activity to complete. When students land on a building they answer the corresponding questions.
The games are called 'In your shoes.' The download includes 3 games: Problem Solving 1 & 2 and Perspective Taking. They feature these cute shoe graphics from KPM doodles. The problem solving games include social situations that require the student to identify a solution. I use this large graphic in the middle of the table to remind the kids to identify the problem and the solution! The game cards are tennis shoes with a social problem listed. For example: A new student came to school today. He’s standing near the lunch line looking nervous.. What could you do? The level one cards are appropriate for students in grades k-4, but depending on developmental level they may work for your older students as well. Level 2 problem solving includes social problems appropriate for students in grades 4-8. For example: Chad wants to play football and be in band. They have practice after school at the same time. What should he do?
The perspective taking cards encourage kids to imagine themselves in someone else's shoes! You can use them to open discussion about empathy and making decisions based on others feelings. Theory of mind is such a difficult skill to teach, but it's fun when it clicks! The lack of perspective taking skills can really impact the kids ability to be sensitive to others and identify how others are feeling and reacting in a conversation. The shoe cards each have a social situation. The students can identify how different people in the situation would feel. For example: Kennedy and Jordan both had their birthday parties last week and you only went to Kennedy’s. How does Jordan feel?The games each come with these ' Gum on your Shoes' cards. They can help make the activity seem like more of a game if you need to use them!
31) Visit The Speech Bubble's store for these two wished for documents!
Students cannot survive on definitions alone. With the shift to common core, students are going to be expected to use their deductive skills to determine word meanings. Cooking Up Context Clues targets the this skill. There are 42 multiple choice cards and two ways to play:
1: Students choose a card. If they answer correctly they may keep the card and add it to their mat. The first student to collect one of each picture on their mat wins.
2: Students choose a card. If they answer correctly they may keep the card. Watch out for cards that cause you to lose a card and for ones that allow you to go again.
Here is what is inside the book companion:
Print and laminate book. Assemble book so that text is on the left and the large color splash page is on the right. Laminate pages and cards. Cut cards.
Read, ‘ A Colorful You ’ to your students. Keep the book out and available for reference.
pg 3. Match the color idiom to its meaning. The idiom and meaning are color coded for easy checking. There are 4 idioms and one meaning for each.
pg 4-11. Use the included feeling/color identification pages to help students understand each color/emotion. Have students fill out each page. Once they have completed all the pages they will have a reference book of basic emotions.
pg 12-15. Lay cards face up on the table. Have students match the emotions to the correct color. There are three emotion words for each color. Emotions are the same color as the color they correspond to.
pg 16. Use the description web to help students map out events that trigger particular emotions.
pg 17-23. Read the story to your students. Have them identify which color/emotion the child in the story is feeling. They can then state/write synonyms that would describe that students emotion. There is one work sheet for each color.
33) You will NEVER go wrong buying a document from Jenn Alcorn from Crazy Speech World's Store!
Common Core Speaking & Listening Rating Scales are informal evaluation tools to help determine education impact of speech & language disorders in the classroom, as well as to aide in documenting standard mastery, therapy baselines and post lines, or progress monitoring from grade to grade. I also plan to use this with my older students for self evaluation.
Included in the download:
•Teacher letter template (page 4)
•Completed Rating Form Example (pages 5-6)
•K-5 Rating Scales (pages 7-19)
•Student Summary Sheet (page 20)
Included in this download:
•Tufts & Trunks (pages 3-8)- a matching game with 12 tuft cards, 12 trunk cards, and 12 penalty cards. Students will match trunks to tufts to make trees...whoever can make the most will be the winner!
•Tuft to Tuft (page 9)- Jump though the whimsy trees! A game board, just add game pieces and dice.
•Cupcake Challenge (pages 10-16) - a card game with 43 point cards and 9 penalty cards. Students will draw cards to collect points, be the one with the most points at the end to win!
•Rainbow Run (page 17)- Help the leprechaun find his gold! A game board, just add game pieces and dice.
•Blooming Gardens (pages 18-25) - a card game with student mat, with 64 flower cards and 8 penalty cards. The student who collects all the flowers in their garden first, wins!
•Garden Stroll (page 26)- Take a stroll through the garden in spring! A game board, just add game pieces and dice.
35) Head to Speech Sprouts to see her latest docs!
My Five Little Ducks Speech Therapy Unit Contents:
1. Five Little Ducks Flipbook with interactive pieces
2. A Flannelboard Storytelling Set for cookie sheet activities/ flannel board story telling.
3. 7 Act it Out! Visors for dramatic story retell.
4. Sequence Vocabulary Color Sheet
5. Make-a-Scene Pond and Farm Cookie Sheet Past-Tense Verb Practice.
6. 18 Wh? question cards, 12 Yes/No question cards with question mats
7. Category Sort –sort animals in a folder game or use as a cut and paste printable.
8. 20 Final /k/ Articulation CVC Cards with Rhyming pairs and minimal pairs. Mats included.
9. Final /k/ Articulation Home Practice page with name to a description activity.
10. Quack! Go Back! Game- open-ended for any target
11. Pick and Peek! Game with picture windows to reveal a mystery picture
12. Do-a Dot Page
13. Auditory Bombardment PowerPoint file with pictures and narrated words.
14. Lesson Plans including themed You Tube links, book list, suggestions for art, games, activities and snacks.
15. Minibook for home practice
Articulation, Riddles, and Savings too! Want to target everyone's goals at once in speech therapy? You need Animal Bingo Riddles Bundle for R, L, and S! Over 20% off the individual products. This money-saving bundle includes three products: Animal Bingo Riddles L, Animal Bingo Riddles R, and Animal Bingo Riddles S. This set is for 1-24 players.
Guess the riddles and increase vocabulary and listening comprehension for details while practicing articulation in all word positions and blends. Then write your own riddle and have fun taking turns guessing the answers.
This pack is perfect for speech therapy, small group, RTi vocabulary intervention or a whole class listening activity! Great for a wide range of ages, from vocabulary learning for littles to listening comprehension and articulation practice for older students.
37) Speech Language Pirates is another terrific store to visit very, very, soon!
Superhero Syntax
This thorough and comprehensive syntax pack is perfect for students who need to work on understanding grammar. It covers a variety of grammatical structures from simple to complex, so it's perfect for all of your groups! It can also be used for simple reading comprehension, for students who have marked difficulty with understanding simple sentences they've read, such as the ASD population.Contents:Pronouns: Subjective– Slides 1-8 Pronouns: Objective/possessive – Slides 9-16 Nouns: Slides 17-24 Verbs: tenses – Slides 25-32 Basic Concepts: Location – Slides 33-40 Basic Concepts: Size (comparatives/superlatives) - Slides 41-48 Compound/Complex Sentences: Slides 49-56 Passive Voice: Slides 57-64N egation: slides 65-72 Data Collection Sheet: page 75 written prompts (for reading comprehension task): pages 76-84 Flip Book Covers: page 85
This Speech and Language bundle contains 4 book companions:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Speech Language Companion
If You Give a Pig a Pancake Speech Language Companion
If You Take a Mouse to School Speech Language Companion
If You Give a Moose a Muffin Speech Language Companion
39) Head to Speech2U. She is always providing new and useful documents!
Nothing MINIMAL about these PAIRS is the first mega set of minimal pairs activities. Minimal pairs are a great way to teach students to discriminate sounds receptively and expressively. The /s/ Blend packet includes activities for : /sn/, /sm/, /sl/, /sp/, /sk/, and /st/.
19 Pages of Minimal pairs for 50 total minimal pairs (ex. skate/Kate)
6 Pages of Activity suggestions for a total of 90 different activities
6 Pages of Minimal pair sentences for home or school.
6 pages /s/ Blend rebus stories
5 Black and White Homework pages for minimal pairs
Sorting Mat
Zombies have HORRIBLE pragmatic skills...but you don't have to. This is a HUGE packet with activities to address: personal space, boundaries, nonverbal gestures/postures, personal hygiene, inflection/tone of voice. It would be appropriate for children who need to work on social skills, children on the Autism spectrum and children with nonverbal language difficulties.
It's designed for children in mid-upper elementary but may also work with children in middle school who are working on Life Skills.
41) Speech Snacks is always cooking up the best kind of documents! Buy one today!
Scrambled Eggs! {For Categorizing & Figurative and Humorous Language}
Included in this packet are:
1- EGG-spressions includes 12 egg-themed idioms and 12 matching definitions.
2- Cat-EGG-ories: 16 categories and 16 matching answers. Cut the cards into two halves on the solid lines. Scramble up the halves. Students must match the correct top half to the correct bottom half. These cards are versatile. Use them to have players guess the category when only given a bottom half or conversely, guess words to fit in the category given on the top half.
3-EGG-stremely funny crack-ups: includes 12 joke cards and 12 answer cards. Play the same as a matching game. Scramble up the cards. Players need to find the correct answer to the jokes (all egg-themed) and then explain the joke in order to keep the pair. Add your eggs to the basket provided.
Use the additional eggs/chocolate rabbit cards to collect more
A collectible speechsnacks recipe card for “Bird’s Nest Cookies” has been provided. The recipes are the inspiration behind the speech/language activities! Collect them all in a three-ring binder! This recipe is kid-centered and good for you! Enjoy!
Help your students identify and define figurative language concepts with this fun St. Patty’s themed packet. Packet includes “leprechaun loot” which students earn when they have responded to one of the figurative language cards (idioms, similes or metaphors.)
Pg 5 includes a Figurative language review sheet with a definition and example sentence for idioms, similes and metaphors for use before and/or during the game. Pgs 6-7: 12 idiom coins
Pg 8: one blank page of coins to add your own idioms pgs 9-10: 12 brown pots of gold with definitions to match with an idiom coin Pg 11—blank pots of gold to add your own definitions Pgs 12-13: 12 black pots of gold fill-in-the-blank sentences to go with gold coin idioms Pg 14: blank black pots of gold Pgs 15-18: 24 “Emerald Isle” similes with “like” and “as” to use for discussing and understanding the meanings Pg 19: blank Irish top hats Pg 20: “Simile Starters” with 10 helpful words given to create your own similes Pg 21-23: 18 “Lucky Horseshoe” metaphors for understanding/defining/discussion.Pg 24: blank horseshoes for adding your own metaphors Pg 25: 10 Make your own metaphors practice sheet Pgs 26-29: “Leprechaun Loot” with 2 pages of $1,$5, $10 values and 2 pages of $20, $50 and $100 values Pgs 30-31: idiom answer key
Pg 32: SpeechSnacks collectible recipe for “Gaelic-Garlic Pesto Shamrock Bread”
43) Get everything you need for therapy from All Y'all Need!
Spatial terms can be conquered using these Superhero Spatial Strategies!
-30+ page unit of activities
4 fun activities for learning or reinforcing the following spatial terms: in front of; behind; right; left; through; upside down; middle; above/over; under; inside; outside; bottom; next to/beside; before; after; on/on top; in/into; and in between.
Activity #1: Seeing Superhero Spatial Terms
-a great game to be used to used to on a pocket chart or as a whole group review
-special directions provided for Speech Language Pathologists
Activity #2: Where is the Superhero?
-a great matching activity for vocabulary
-students must match the illustration with the correct spatial term
-illustrations are the same ones used in Activity #1, but vocabulary words are on separate cards so students must make the match
Activity #3: Superhero Signals
-students get to enjoy acting like a superhero
-directional cues are given for each spatial term
-students must listen actively and perform a task using spatial terms
-this activity gets students up and moving while learning all about spatial terms
Activity #4: Superhero Say and Write the Room
-14 superhero spatial vocabulary cards to print and post around your room
- one recording sheet for students to say the vocabulary word and write the vocabulary word
-one labeling page of spatial concepts: above, behind, inside, left, middle, next to, on top, right and under.
44) Holidays January to June Informative Reader's Theater
Reader’s Theater is always fun. Now, it is fun and informative.
Holiday set #2 is all about American Holidays from January to June.
This set includes over 300 pages
Each holiday includes:
1 graphic organizer and/or activity (some holidays have 2 activities)
1 full script in black and white with Character Cards
1 full script in color with Character Cards
Holidays Happen: an introduction to holidays includes script plus graphic organizer
New Year’s Day: script plus New Year’s Resolution page
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: script plus informational activity on MLK National Memorial
Chinese New Year: script plus fact Facts About Chinese New Year recording page and Animals of the Chinese Zodiac activity page
Groundhog Day: script plus ABC Order Activity and Prediction and Weather Report Page
Valentine’s Day: script plus “My Favorite Thing About Valentines Day” activity & Facts About Valentine’s Day recording page
Presidents’ Day: script plus “The President of the United States Should Be” activity to list adjectives important to the President.
Saint Patrick’s Day: script plus computerized graphic organizer activity and ABC Order Activity
Easter: script plus ABC Order Activity and Facts About Easter page
April Fool’s Day: script plus ABC Order Activity and joke page
Earth Day: script plus How I Can Help Our Earth activity page and ABC Order activity
Arbor Day: script plus sorting activity of items that grow on trees or do not grow on trees
May Day: script plus May Day Word Search
Cinco de Mayo: script plus drawing activity and ABC Order activity
Mother’s Day: script plus finish the drawing activity and Mother’s Day word search
Memorial Day: script plus Memorial Day Fact Recording Page
Flag Day: script plus Flag Day Facts page and United States Flag Code Facts recording page
Father’s Day: script plus finish the drawing activity and Father’s Day word search
For a look at what is included in this set, please download the preview file.
Wow! THREE amazing SPRING units bundled together. Each unit covers SIX areas and includes 12 activities and 6 worksheets!
Spring Up with Language Level 1
Spring Up with Language Level 2
Spring Up with Language Level 3
These are leveled as follows:Level 1: PreK-1st grade Level 2: 2nd-3rd grade Level 3: 4th-5th+ grade. These levels and activities correlate exactly with my Speech and Language Homework for a Year. Each packet includes a Receptive Activity, Expressive Activity, and Worksheet for 6 different language concepts. At LEAST 12 sessions of new activities (and worksheets!) for all of your speech, special education, and/or ELL students. You can't go wrong with this bundle for all your SPRING language needs!
86 pages (43 for each book) of Speech and Language goodness to accompany the books "Click, Clack, Moo" and "Giggle, Giggle Quack" by Doreen Cronin (books not included).
These units can be used separately or together to reinforce almost a month's worth of therapy for: Vocabulary, Grammar, Perspective Taking, Story Sequencing, and Articulation
Each book unit contains:
Vocabulary (pages 3-9) -12 pairs Vocabulary cards and Worksheet-Describe the Phrases vocabulary worksheet
Antonyms (pages 10-13)-8 pairs Antonyms cards
Descriptive Sentence Frame (pages 14-15)-3 nouns & 9 adjectives
Past Tense (pages 16-24)-8 pairs Regular Past Tense Verb cards and Worksheet-8 pairs Irregular Past Tense Verb cards and WorksheetPerspective Taking (pages 25-26)
Note/Letter Writing (page 27)Compare and Contrast (pages 28-30)
Story Sequencing (pages 31-35)-11 picture sequencing cards-Story Map-Story Comprehension Question Cube-Story Retell Rubric
Articulation Cards (mixed positions) (pages (36-43)-s/z, r, l, k/g cards
47) Don't forget about Chatterbox Speech. They have a whole store of useful and fun materials!
About Roll and Say CVC's:
Use these black and white worksheets to teach simple CVC sound patterns to children with a variety of speech sound production difficulties, such as apraxia of speech and use of some phonological processes (ex. stopping, backing, initial and final consonant deletion, pre-vocalic voicing, etc.). The initial sound targets included, /h, w, p, b, m, n, k, t/ are paired with as many neutral vowels as possible (along with many other vowels) and the /t/ in the final position. A sampling of words in this pack includes words such as “hat”, “wet”, “boat”, “pit”, “might”, “nut”, “toot”, and “kite”. Since all worksheets are in black and white they are easy to print and reproduce for both therapy and homework. Included in this pack are:
*worksheets to teach simple CVC words which includes /h, w, p, b, m, n, k, t/ in the initial position and /t/ in the final position of all words.
*Roll & Say CVC game boards for students to practice words in a fun and reinforcing manner.
This new bundle includes both Full Court Comprehension games and Homework Hoops (open-ended homework reinforcers). **see Homework Hoops description and thumbnails in original post**This pack includes 2 basketball themed games:
-1, 2, 3, TEAM! is a game in which players take turns selecting cards from "the bench" (pile) and adding them to their team (one of 4 different colors). The first player to assemble their team of 5 wins! Special cards are included that will help or hinder your progress. Practice color matching and naming, and number recognition (1-5). Use in conjunction with included comprehension cards or with your own therapy materials.
-Jump Ball! is a game in which players take turns selecting cards and scoring 1, 2, or 3 point shots. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. Special cards are included that will help or hinder your overall points. Also targets simple number sense and addition/subtraction (numbers 1-3). Use in conjunction with included comprehension cards or with your own therapy materials.
This pack also includes a comprehension selection ("We're Playing Basketball...") which can be used to teach students about basketball, some of the rules, and vocabulary associated with the game.
48) LyndaSLP123 has useful, accurate, and thorough documents for you to start using today!
Contents of this packet:
Page 4: Pre-Play suggestions Pages 5-7: Lesson instructing how to target language skills (asking/answering questions, increasing utterance length, using correct pronouns, sequencing, describing, and improving social skills) Page 8: Worksheet to target sequencing (pictures)
Page 9: Worksheet to target sequencing (sentences) Page 10: Sequencing cards
Page 11: Vocabulary cards Page 12: Following directions activity – instructions
Pages 13-18: Following directions activity – direction cards Pages 19-24: Following directions activity – pictures Page 25: Literacy – Count the syllables in each word
Page 26: Literacy – Identify the letter D Page 27: Literacy – Identify the letter C
Page 28: Literacy – Identify the letter P Page 29: Literacy – Identify the initial letter of each picture Page 30: Literacy – Write a sentence about your favorite part
Page 31: Literacy – Create a tea party invitation (prints 2 per page) Pages 32-33: Worksheets for targeting same and different Pages 34-35: Size sorting cards – target er/est
Pages 36-37: Size sorting mats – target er/est Pages 38-39: Worksheet targeting patterns (color & b/w versions) Pages 40-42: Tiles for patterning
Page 43: Pattern mat Page 44: Pronoun activity Page 45: Articulation sheet for /K/
Pages 46-48: Articulation homework worksheet (fill in target words)
Contents for this packet:
Page 4: Pre-Play suggestionsPages 5-6: Lesson instructing how to target language skills (asking/answering questions, increasing utterance length, categorizing, describing, following directions, and improving social skills) Page 7: Additional activities that coordinate with Toca Boca Store Pages 8-10: Vocabulary cards Page 11: Vocabulary cards of items not in app – use to supplement working on categories Page 12: Literacy – Count the syllables in each word
Page 13: Literacy – Identify the letter R Page 14: Literacy – Identify the letter C Page 15: Literacy – Identify the letter L Page 16: Literacy – Match initial sound with another picture
Page 17: Literacy – Identify the initial letter of each picture Page 18: Literacy – Write a sentence about your favorite part Page 19: Literacy – Blank store shelf worksheet
Pages 20-23: Literacy – Blank store shelf worksheets with pre-assigned store name
Page 24: Articulation: Blank store shelf worksheet to stock with items containing target sound
Page 25: Ideas for using pre-made & blank shopping lists Pages 26-27: Blank shopping lists (color and b/w versions) Pages 28-35: Pre-made shopping lists Page 36: Finish the pattern
Page 37: Math: Count the number of objects Page 38: Articulation sheet for /R, S, L/ (answers on page 42) Pages 39-40:Articulation homework worksheet (fill in target words) Page 41: Articulation target words for Toca Boca store catalogs Page 42: List of items in the catalogs for teacher reference & answers for page 38.
50) The Speech Summit is providing some spectacular documents to add to your therapy toolboxes today!
306 /R/, /L/, and TH words on baseball themed cards. The cards include initial /r/, /r/ blends, vocalic /r/, initial, /l/, medial /l/, /l/ blends, and initial, medial, and final voiced and voiceless TH. The cards are kid friendly and motivating. These versatile cards can be used in several ways.
Download includes: 84 pages
6 pages of /r/, /l/, and TH syllable practice
306 /r/, /l/, & TH word cards with a baseball theme
14 pages of Bonus cards & Strike/Foul ball cards
3 Scoreboard Sheets
4 Baseball Fields/ Game Boards
PAGES 82-84 can be used when you are playing the game with all three sounds (R, L, and TH)
A motivating game is included in this download. This simple game will allow the children to be engaged in the activity, while practicing their speech sounds. Children can put the /r/, /l/, and TH words in sentences to increase the skill level.
Download includes:11 pages
48 Conversation Starter Question Cards- with a monster theme
Monster Themed Game Board **Game pieces and dice are required to play**A monster themed game is included in this download. The game targets articulation carryover with conversation starter questions. Practice using your targeted speech sounds with this fun filled game!
52) Nicole Allison from Speech Peeps has a ton of wonderful and well-written documents!
The perfect tool for DATA COLLECTION, all aligned to the Common Core State Standards! This comprehensive binder has everything you need to easily collect data over several trials and sessions, whether for students on IEPs or with RtI. Developed out of my own need for easy and efficient data collection, this product quickly gathers baselines, progress, strengths and weaknesses over multiple sessions in the areas of Phonological Awareness, Grammar, Vocabulary, Language and Articulation. I am soooo excited about the newest collection to my Common Core family because I just know it will keep you organized and save you valuable time.

Perfect for diverse articulation groups! Contains over 20 plays for groups of 2-4 students targeting the most difficult sounds to master.
Readers’ Theater is an evidence-based strategy for improving reading fluency. In Readers' Theater, students rehearse reading a script repeatedly to prepare for a later performance for peers or other audiences. Students are assigned parts or roles for performing the reading of the play's text. Research supports the use of Readers’ Theater to increase fluency, intonation and confidence. (Martinez, Roser, and Strecker, 1999 and Griffin and Rasinski, 2004).
This packet contains over 20 plays for diverse articulation groups! It is perfect for those students who need a little extra boost in practicing sounds at the reading and conversation level. Contains both a student copy and a therapist copy for easy data tracking. Tried and tested on my own students! I've found that this method:
1. helps my students remember their correct sounds
2. provides practice for using appropriate tone of voice and intonation
3. improves their confidence, especially if they can then perform for a small audience.
53) And I decided to add a bit more Easter! Here's the info on one of the latest Twin Sisters Speech & Language Therapy LLC themed documents that targets a variety of speech, language and literacy areas!
Note: We have added a basket full of EGGstra worksheets, puzzles, and reinforcers to this unit for Easter 2014! Please download the new version if you purchased this document in 2013. We hope you enjoy the new additions like the 35 new black and white sheets for helping to save on your printer ink!
We hope you are ready for this 153 page EGGSTRAVAGANZA! It is an Easter themed packet featuring a very wide variety of speech, language, concepts, and literacy Eggercises!
54) Here is a super wonderful document for working on life skills by Consonantly Speaking. Please don't forget to check it out!
Often when I work with students who have a deficit with social skills, I find that it is important to teach them about appropriate conversation topics and the people whom it is appropriate to talk about certain subjects with. In addition, it is important to discuss conversation topics that are inappropriate to talk about with certain groups of people, especially strangers even if they are a "safe stranger". This 43 page packet aims to help teach students about different groups of people we talk to on a regular basis, appropriate conversation topics, and inappropriate conversation topics with certain groups of people.
Included in the packet:
- A visual chart with four different conversational groups
- Conversation topic strips/quotation strips to place onto the visual in regards to the appropriate group to discuss the topic/use the quote with
- A social skills story to teach students more about conversation partners and appropriate conversation topics
- A visual of "People I Talk To" for students to write people they are comfortable speaking with in four different conversational groups
55) Please head to Figuratively Speeching SLP to pickup these two terrific documents and more!!
This is the second bunde of Articulation Placemats. Sounds included are: l, r, and l, r, and s blends. Please go to the following link for Bundle 1:
Included in this product bundle:
•Page 3 Parent note Each page includes the following: a word list for each weekday, two tic-tac-toe boards, a section to unscramble words, a section to draw a picture, and a spinner.
•Pages 4-6 homework pages for initial, medial, and final r
•Pages 7-20 homework pages for initial and medial, br, cr/kr, dr, fr, gr and pr
•Pages 21-24 homework pages for initial, medial, and final “l”
•Pages 25-36 homework pages for initial and medial, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, and sl
•Pages 37-46 homework pages for initial and medial sc/sk, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, and mixed final s blends.
•Page 47 Copyright information and credits
1. A poster describing word retrieval strategies.
2. A poster describing visualization strategies.
3. A Superhero open-ended game to use with any of the included cards, or any of your materials.
4. Two puzzles (have students earn a piece for every two or three correct responses). Glue onto cardboard or poster board then cut apart.
5. Card sets for:
Associations (36 cards)
Visualizing/describing (36 cards)
Phonemic/semantic cues (24 cards)
Synonyms (18 cards)
Antonyms (18 cards)
6. Blank cards for you to customize.
57) Check out Speech With Sharon's awesome store!
Are you tired of shuffling around through decks and decks of speech cards? Needing a way to collect and track baseline data? Want to simplify articulation therapy?
This product includes baseline and therapy words for 11 different speech sounds!
- 10 baseline words for initial, medial, and final positions of all sounds- 340 words! (Five baseline words for initial Z and initial voiced TH. Final voiced TH not included.)
-20 therapy targets for initial, medial, and final positions of all sounds- 670 words! (Five words for initial Z and initial voiced TH. Final voiced TH not included.)
-One baseline data tracking sheet for each sound. Includes separate tracking for initial, medial, and final positions. Each position includes tracking for baseline, and then first through fourth quarters to track progress throughout the year. Each tracking sheet can be used for word, phrase, or sentence level.
- All words include color pictures.

Pages 3-9: Auditory Discrimination Cards
-16 Same/Different- Each card contains 4 word pairs. One word pair is the same, the other three words pairs are different. Say the word pairs and ask the child after each pair if the words are the same or different.
-16 Syllable Awareness- Each card contains 4 words. Say the whole word, then ask the child to say the word without the indicated syllable.
-24 Sounds in Words (Initial, Final, and Medial)- Each card contains 4 words. Ask the child if they hear the specified sound in each word. Two words include the sound, two words do not. Pages 10-16: Auditory Memory Cards-18 Numbers- Each card contains 3 number sequences, 3 numbers, 4 numbers, and 5 numbers. Have the child repeat the number sequence after you. You may say the sequences either forward or backwards.-18 Words- Each card contains 3 one-syllable word sequences, 3 words, 4 words, and 5 words. Have the child repeat the word sequence after you. You may say the sequences either forward or backwards.-27 Sentences- Each card contains one sentence with either 7, 9, or 11 syllables total. Have the child repeat the sentence after you.Pages 17-21: Auditory Integration Cards
-24 Following Directions- Includes both 2 and 3 step directions.
-24 Listening for Details- Read the sentence to the child and have them answer the questions about what they heard.-12 Inferences- Read the sentences to the child. Ask them to infer who/what is happening. Pages 22-24: Blank card pages -One blank page of cards for Discrimination, Memory, and Integration.
59) SLP FOR ME has this and useful document for working on inferencing available. Please take a look!
Lights, Camera, Inference! No Print & Print Movie Scene Themed Language Lessons

Included in this lesson are three activities as follows:
No Print – 48 Diverse Scenes to Develop Inferencing Skills! This lesson is designed for NO PRINT and can be viewed on the Smart Board, computer or Ipad when downloaded and opened. Two to three questions are provided for each scene to answer requiring students to inference and problem solve.
Movie Scene Cards – Thee you can print! – 48 similar scenes to the no print activity with questions that require students to inference. This was designed for small group instruction and so they could be used adequately as card movie scenes. I did make these with color backgrounds and NO color backgrounds. The color backgrounds are for the ‘movie experience’ and the NO color are for if you need to conserve ink or for students that you may want to send practice activities home to.
Print and Go – Movie Scene Inferencing Black and White Mini-book ‘You Are the Director’ – 28 scene mini-book that can be used for instruction, carry-over or review. No color, easy printing.
These lessons were created to help improve the short-term memory, listening comprehension, auditory processing, vocabulary, response to thinking and reasoning types of questioning, receptive language with regard to understanding specific linguistic concepts and completing directives containing them and comprehending negation, while having fun completing the activities – ALL AROUND AN APRIL THEME!!!
61) Please stop by and see the these two great documents from Jessica at The Speech Space!
This is a great way to work on figurative language while keeping it fun. There are plenty of opportunities for learning through flash cards, stories, a worksheet, and a game- which is great for those kids that need lots of repetition to learn effectively.
-12 flash cards listing each idiom
-12 definition cards that describe each idiom
-2 stories that use the idioms in context
-a fill in the blank worksheet w/ an answer key
-a worksheet to practice creating an original sentence using 5 of the new idioms
-a blank game board with 6 cells to fill with clovers to win the game
-a total of 48 game cards (40 of them with idiom content) broken down as follows:
+12 idiom game cards that require the student fill in the blank (using 3 multiple choice options)
+12 idiom game cards that require the student to define the idiom based on its use in 1-2 provided sentences
+12 game cards that require the student to use the idiom in a sentence
+6 clover game cards (make a copy for each student playing)
+6 “fun” game cards (most of them use an idiom) to be mixed in with the deck of idiom cards
62) And last, but certainly not least to this springtime document list is Speech Space's document titled:
The fluency survival pack is loaded with great resources that can be used for kids in preschool through high school . It has many of worksheets to practice slow speech, stretchy speech, identifying the area of tension, light articulatory contact, pullouts, and cancellations. It also contains information for parents, cute cards that review fluency enhancing and modification techniques, data tracking sheets, a fun game for young stutterers, and lots more!
Whew! You made it to the end of the list! Doesn't the available amount of new documents just blow your mind? The variety and the quality of each document is stupendous! I am going to have a hard time not ordering all of them!
Decisions, decisions...
Happy Spring Shopping Everyone!!
Twin Sisters Speech &
Language Therapy LLC