You'll feel lucky like the Irish if you download this great St.Patrick's Day themed social skills packet! It contains a variety of matching cards, worksheets, and games to be used to address social skills with a variety of students. Here's a list of some of the social skills areas that you will find in this unit:
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: idioms and similies
FEELINGS: identify, demonstrate, explain
PROBLEM SOLVING: identify and solve a problem
GET TO KNOW YOU: questioning and answering practice
SOCIAL SITUATIONS: requesting, politeness and staying on topic
Please see the contents of the packet below.
Best Wishes for a fun and useful social skills practice session!
Manda & Shanda
Pages 4 & 5: Print, laminate and cut out the, Green Is A Great Color Get To Know You Cards.
Pages 6 & 7: Two token or paint dotter St. Patrick’s Day themed reinforcement pages that can be completed while working on answering the Green is A Great Color Get To Know You Cards.
Page 8: A St. Patrick’s Day Seek-n-Find that can be completed while working on answering the Green is A Great Color Get to Know You Cards.
1) Identify a problem.
2) Solve the problem.
Page 11: Put the problem solving card in the Friendly Frogs Pot of Gold once the problem has been identified and solved.
1) REQUESTING (page 12) . What question would you ask to politely gain more information?
2) POLITENESS (page 13) . Provide an appropriate and polite response to a hard situation.
3) STAYING ON TOPIC (page 14). Respond to the question, but remain on topic!
Pages 15 -16: Two St. Patrick’s Day mazes that can be done while working on St. Patrick’s Day Social Situations.
Pages 17 – 20: LUCK OF THE IRISH IDIOMS. Match the idiom to its definition card.
Page 21: Choose the best ending for an idiom worksheet.
Page 22: Unscramble the idioms worksheet.
Pages 23: Explain the idiom worksheet.
Page 24: Explain the idiom answer page.
Pages 25–27: Match the SHAMROCK SIMILIE Card to its matching SHAMROCK POT. Print and cut out 9 cards that start a simile and the 9 cards that finish a simile. The goal is to match the start of the simile to the end of the simile.
Page 28: Choose the best ending to finish a simile worksheet.
Page 29: Unscramble the words to form a simile worksheet.
Page 30: Teaching feelings informational page.
Pages 31 to 40: FRIENDLY FEELINGS FROGS BOARD GAME die, markers, and game cards. Print out the three pages of feelings question cards, and three pages of the Friendly Frogs. Glue the Friendly Frogs on the back of the feelings question cards and cut out the 27 different game cards to be used in the Friendly Frogs Board Game.
Page 41: Color the Laughing Leprechaun while talking about happy things that make you laugh.
Page 42: A boy’s face for showing different feelings. Insert the page in a sheet protector and have the student draw the targeted feeling on the face with a dry erase marker.
Page 43: A girl’s face for showing different feelings. Insert the page in a sheet protector and have the student draw the targeted feeling on the face with a dry erase marker.