
Monday, December 31, 2012

Valentine's Day Pre-K Concepts

Please download this wonderful Valentine's Packet to work on concepts with your Pre-K kiddos. We think that it will be a lot of sweet fun for you and your students!

Contents of concept packet:
Pages 3: Matching Fun/Go Fish Cards with different colored hearts.
Pages 4: Can you name the shapes and the colors in the hearts?
Pages 5: Draw a line to the matching Valentine object.
Page 6: Which Valentine picture comes next in the sequence?
Page 7: Name the letters.
Page 8: Circle what is above the line and cross out who is below.
Page 9: Can you stay on the line as you trace it?
Page 10: Name all the Valentine objects in the circles.
Page 11: Can you circle who is the smallest?
Page 12: Who is in the middle?
Page 13: Choose the correct beginning sound.
Page 14: Name the numbers.
Pages 15-16: Cut out the girls and boys and paste them onto the he/she sorting mat.
Page 17-18: Cut out and name the Valentine gifts as you glue them onto the heart.
Page 19: Count the silly Valentine Monsters.
Page 20: Trace the letters.
Page 21: Circle who is different.
Page 22: Sequence the bear from smallest to biggest.
Page 23: Name who is a boy and who is a girl.
Page 24: Cut out and assemble the he and she puzzles.
Page 25: Following 1 step directions as you color the Valentine’s Day picture.

Manda & Shanda, SLP's

Sweet Valentine's Day Pronouns HE, SHE, THEY, HIM, HER, HIS, HERS, THEIRS

Pronouns, pronouns, pronouns! We know that many of you have liked and used a lot of our past pronoun documents. That made us want to make a new Valentine's themed packet. We hope you find it sweet and useful! We appreciate all of our teacher and therapist buyers so very much. Sending out love to you all!

Contents and Directions For Valentine's Day Pronouns Packet:
Pages 3 - 5: Circle the he, she or they pictures.
Pages 6 & 7: Draw a line to the correct he , she or they pronoun.
Pages 8 & 9: Sort the he and she pictures and glue them on the sorting mat .
Page 10: Listen to the he and she sentences and than draw a line to the matching picture.
Page 11: Write in the missing pronoun. Use he, she or they.
Pages 12: Look at the picture and circle him or her to match the picture.
Pages 13 - 15: Cut and glue the correct Valentine’s Day present next to the boy or girl to work on the pronouns of him or her.
Page 16: Write in his, hers, or theirs, to finish the sentence.
Pages 17-20: Cut out Valentine’s Day gifts and glue them onto the heart after listening to15 different sentences that have pronouns. Fill in missing pronouns when needed. Pronouns used include: he, she, him, her, his, hers, and theirs.
Pages 21-23: Valentine’s Day Bingo using the pronouns of it, she, he, him, her, and they.
Pages 24-26: Color the Valentine’s Day pictures as you repeat sentences with his, hers, and theirs.
Pages 27-29: Cut out and reassemble the puzzles with he, she, they, his, and hers.
Pages 30-31: Trace the he,she, his, hers, they and theirs words.
Page 32: Pronoun cards for matching/go fish.
Page 33: Pronoun explanation page.

What is a pronoun?
A pronoun is a word that is often used to replace a noun. 
For example, the sentence, Jason is a fireman, can be changed to: He is a fireman.
What is a noun?
A noun is a person, place or thing.  In the above example the person is replaced by a pronoun.
Personal pronouns come in two different groups:
 Subjective personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
  They are used when the pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence. 
  For example, It is a desk.  You are learning about pronouns. They love jumping.
Objective personal pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them.
  They are used when the pronoun is used as the object of a sentence. 
  For example, Do you come here often? We will have to explain the problem to them.
Possessive pronouns indicate who or what something belongs to. 
  There are seven different possessive pronouns. mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
  For example, This book is mine.  Your hot chocolate is on the counter.
first person (I, me, you) (e.g., I want you).  Usually learned at the age of 2 - 3 years
gender (he, she, they) (e.g., She is happy).  Usually learned at the age of 2 ½ - 4 years
possessive (his, hers, theirs) (e.g., That's his dog).  Usually learned at the age of  4- 4 ½ years
object (him, her, them) (e.g., Go and see him).  Usually learned at the age of  3 - 4 years.

Sincerely, Manda & Shanda, SLP's


Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Exercise To Increase Eye Contact & To Work on "WH" Questions

We are getting set for our second favorite holiday.  Valentine's Day!!  It is such a fun one!  This great speech and language activity will be one that I will be using a lot for sure.  So many of my kiddos need to look at me more when they are talking and listening.  The cute owl puppet and his big eyes should serve as a great cueing item for the kiddos.  I hope it helps to increase eye contact with the students that you are working with too!

It is important for children to learn to increase their eye contact with their listeners. This packet helps to address that important skill. It is a cute Valentine themed packet addressing eye contact and the language activity of answering "WHO", "WHERE", and "WHAT" questions.

We hope you find it beneficial and we also hope that you all have a sweet Valentine's Day!

Directions and Content of this adorable and useful packet: 
Page 3. Cut out Mr. Eye Contact Owl and glue or tape a popsicle stick on his back. Hold up the owl right next to your own eyes during the question exercises. Be sure to remind your students how important it is to “watch” and to make eye contact when they are talking to other people. 
Pages 4 to 6. Print out the, “WHO”, “WHERE” and “WHAT” birds nests. Lay them out on the table in front of the child. Secondly, print out pages 7 to 12. These are the every day themed “WH” question cards. Turn over the owl pages and glue the question pages on the back of the owls. The boxes should match up perfectly. Cut out the double sided cards once the glue dries. Have the student answer the, “WHO”, “WHERE”, and “WHAT” questions and then sort them into the correct birds nest. 
Pages 13 to 17. Print, laminate, and cut out the Valentine’s Day Themed questions and game board to play a board game that targets the answering of “WHO”, “WHAT” or “WHERE” questions that are related to Valentine’s Day. Print off pages 18 to 25, laminate, and cut out the Valentine Bingo game boards, markers, and calling cards. Have the student answer either a “WHO”, “WHERE” or “WHAT” Valentine themed question, than cover their answer (if they have it). The first person to cover three spaces in a row WINS! 
Pages 26 to 30. Print, laminate, and cut out the general “WH” questions and Valentine game board to play a board game that targets the answering of more “WHO, “WHAT” or “WHERE” questions related to every day things. 
Pages 31 to 34. Put puzzle overlay over the two cute Valentine pictures. Cut out on the puzzle piece lines. Have the student answer the “WH” questions about the animals while they put the Valentine puzzles together. 
Pages 35 to 37. Have the student color the picture while answering a variety of “WH” questions. 
Pages 38 to 40. Have the student circle the correct picture that would typically answer a “WHAT”, “WHERE”, or “WHY” question. Pages 41 to 43. Have the student color the picture that would typically answer a “WHAT”, “WHERE”, or “WHY” question. 
Pages 44 to 46. Primary level “WH” questions. Answers provided. Pages 47 to 49: Student reads question and then draws a line to the picture that answers the question. 
Page 50: Twin Sisters Speech & Language Therapy information

AAC Choice Boards For Early Communicators With Pictures & AAC Board Templates

AAC Choice Boards For Early Communicators With Pictures & AAC Board Templates

Links to the packet:

This packet provides you with a variety of two, three, and four choice picture boards for the early communicator. We have also provided several pages of colored pictures that can be used to make your own individualized choice boards for your young students who are having difficulty communicating verbally. We have found that access to a choice board can become an essential component in the communication process for young children who are unable to verbally express their wants and needs successfully. We hope you find them useful too!


Manda & Shanda, SLP's

Contents and Directions:
Page 3: Contents and directions page.
Page 4: Information on choice boards.
Pages 5-21:Pictures for making individualized choice boards.
Pages 5-10: FOODS
Pages 11-12: CLOTHING
Page 13: PLACES
Pages 19-20: THINGS
Page 21: ACTIONS
*Print, laminate, cut out, add a Velcro dot to the back of chosen pictures. Encourage the child to take
the picture off their board and hand it to you in order for them to make their choice.
*Taking your own pictures of the toys, foods, activities, and people in your child’s life is recommended,
as well, to be used along with the provided pictures.
Pages 22-24: Two, three, and four choice blank board pages.
Print, laminate, add opposite Velcro dots to chosen level board.
Pages 25-70: Two dimensional boards.
Print, choose two, three, or four choice boards. Have young communicator point to their choices.
Pages 25-44: Pre-made two choice boards.
Pages 45-57: Pre-made three choice boards.
Pages 58-70: Pre-made four choice boards.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Targeted Vowel Practice In Isolation and In Words


Why Practice Vowels?

To help a child’s overall speech intelligibility improve!

When vowels are produced incorrectly, that makes speech very difficult to understand.

What is a vowel?  They are sounds produced with a relatively open vocal tract. A vowel can be maintained until you run out of breath which is in contrast to consonants which are constricting in air flow during production.

By 24 months most children should be able to produce all the vowel sounds correctly.

If a child is producing the early speech sounds in the initial position of words (p, b, m, t, n, d, h, k and g) and also are able to produce the final sounds in words of: (p, m, n) but their intelligibility is still low, than most likely they may need help in the production of their vowel sounds.

There are three types of vowels. Front vowels, back vowels, and mixed vowels.  There are also diphthongs which are words that are two vowel sounds in one syllable. The vowel sounds are different from each other because you change the shape of your mouth when making each sound. Some are made in the front of your mouth with the mouth closed ( i.e. read). Some are made in the center of your mouth with your mouth midway closed (i.e. but) and others are in the back with your mouth open (i.e. root).

Vowel Teaching Tips
Practice vowels first without saying any sounds. Show how to make the correct tongue placements. Then, have the child smile. The retraction of the lips will help the articulators fall into the correct placement for many of the vowel sounds with an E.

When introducing each vowel show and explain the tongue elevation (high, mid or low), the position of the tongue elevation (front, central or back) and the shapes of the lips (spread or rounded).

For early talkers, it is easier to begin with open vowel sounds such as the short /a/ and than the short /o/ due to their reduced complexity. Stressed vowels and Diphthongs are more difficult since they need more planning, coordination and lingual strength.

Help a child achieve good jaw, tongue, and lip positioning, strength and stability at the isolated vowel stage prior to attempted voice productions.

You can teach tongue positioning by placing a sticky substance on upper molars for the vowel sound E. “Have your tongue touch the peanut butter and then say E”.

Visual cues such as the use of Visual Phonics can be very beneficial.

Use a mirror to show a child their own physical movements while they are working on their productions of vowels.

Use a vowel diagram to help show where each vowel is being produced in the mouth and how the articulators are utilized.

Targeted Vowel Practice In Isolation and
In Words Packet Contents:
Page 4: Why Practice Vowels?
Page 5: Vowel Teaching Tips
Pages 6: Vowel In Isolation Screening
Pages 7-9: Vowels In Words Screening
Pages 10-12: Vowels In Isolation Practice
Pages 13-18: Interactive Vowels In Isolation Pages
Pages 19-38: Short Vowels In Words practice, Coloring sheets, Tracing fun, and, “I Spy” pages
Pages 39-40: Interactive Short Vowel In Words Scene
Pages 41-55:  Long Vowel Words Matching, Flashcards
for games such as Memory or Go Fish, & coloring pages.                                                  
Pages 56-59: Interactive Long Vowel In Words Scenes
Pages 60-63: Diphthongs Tracing Fun
Pages 64-67: Interactive Diphthong Words Scenes
Page 68:  Diphthong Words Coloring Scene
Pages 69-70: Long Vowel and Diphthong Dice Roll

SLIP - SWIRVE - STOP - SNOW! Tips on how to help a student produce "S" Blends!

Info on "S" Blends:
Many children have difficulty producing the /S/ in /S/ blend words. Most of the time, they don't have the feeling of continuing the /S/ into the second sound of the word. They often leave the /S/ off when they try to produce the word.

Children often respond positively to the use of tactile, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic cues in order to produce /S/ blend words.  These cues are used when breaking apart the /S/ from the consonant that is in the second spot of the word.  An example of a tactile cue would be to have the child trace their finger down their arm while saying the “S”. 

In our /S/ blend packet, you will be provided with pictures of a slide and monkey bars.  The child will be asked to trace their fingers down the slide and across the monkey bars while producing the “S” and than they will be encouraged to produce the P, K, L, W, or N consonants. 


Comprehensive "S" Blends Articulation Packet

S blends packet at Teachers Pay Teachers

S blends packet at Teachers Notebook

********DOWNLOAD TODAY'S FREEBIE! *********
A "S" Blends Screener. This will help you decide if your child or student needs to work on his or hers "S" blend productions or not.  Click Here

This 74 page packet will provide you with a large variety of fun games, worksheets and activities for addressing /S/ blends with your articulation students. Students working on reading /S/ blends will also find this packet very beneficial! We hope you enjoy using it and find it useful!
Contents and Directions For the “S”Blend Packet:Page 4: Tips for producing “S” blends.
Page 5: “S” Blend Screener. Have the student repeat or read the words aloud. Misarticulated words could be the ones worked on.
Page 6: Follow pointer finger along the monkey bars to elicit a nice “S” before saying “ST”.
Page 7: “S” slide visual cuing page for “ST” words. Have the child follow their pointer finger down the slide to elicit a prolonged “S” sound before attempting to say the “ST”.
Page 8-9: Two pages of “ST” words for playing memory match or the Go Fish card game.
Page 10: “ST” word roll. Roll a die and write down the word that is under that number. Say the word the number of times showed on the die too.
Page 11: “ST” tic-tac-toe. Say the word when you write down your “X” or “O”.
Page 12: Find the “ST” words in the Seek-n-Find picture. Repeat, “I circled the___”.
Page 13: Repeat or read the “ST” blend words in sentences.
Page 14: Repeat or read the “ST” blend words in paragraphs.
Page 15: The start of the “SP” blend articulation unit.
Page 24: The start of the “SK” blend articulation unit.
Page 33: The start of the “SL” blend articulation unit.
Page 42: The start of the “SW” blend articulation unit.
Page 52: The start of the “SN” blend articulation unit.
Page 62: Connect the /S/ blend sentence with the matching picture.
Page 63: Fill in the /S/ blend word that completes a sentence.
Pages 64 to 74: The “SL” and “SW” folder activity. This includes 4 pages of full colored picture word cards and 4 pages of sentence level photo cards. Put the “SL” words in the slot on the “Slippery Slide” folder side and the “SW” words in the slot on the “Swinging Swing” side of the folder.
Another idea: Tape different “SL” or “SW” pictures around the room and play, “I Spy”. Say, “I spy with my little eye, a picture of a slide”. Wait for the student to find the picture. When they find it they can point to it and say back, “I spy the slide”.

Sincerely, Manda & Shanda